
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/19 16:32:24

1. Emmy is a member of the volleyball club.
2. Kate walks her dog every Sunday.
3. I have knowledge in mathematics, but I am too busy to talk with you about this.
4. My classmates are nice to me.

Amy is a member of the volleyball club .
Kate has a walk with her dog every Sunday.
i know the knowledge about math ,but i'm very busy now .i don't have time to talk with you .
my classmates are friendly to me .

1. 埃米 is the volleyball club member.
2. Kate every time meets Sunday to lead him the dog to take a walk.
3. I understand related and mathematics knowledge But I am very busyI do not have the time to exchange with you.
4. My classmate very is all good to me Do not use on-line translation software ` that plate out of true

1.Amy is a volleyball member.
2.Kate takes a walk with her dog every Sunday.
3.i know about the Maths knowledge, but i am very busy, i have no time to communicate with yo